Why to support Alma Dal Co Foundation?
Preserving the intellectual legacy of Alma Dal Co in Science and Music, our mission is to support early career scientists who pursue ground- breaking research, have a passion for knowledge and multidisciplinary approaches to complex biological systems and to reward excellent young musicians.
With a donation you help us to widen our actions and projects and make them more effective and forceful. All donations multiplicate our effort to promote inclusion and diversity in Science and Music.
The bank account is:
Fondazione Alma Dal Co ETS
Allianz Bank
IBAN: IT07 V035 8901 6000 1057 0894 416
Devolution of 5 x 1000 of your taxes
If you pay direct taxes in Italy, you can choose to devolve 5 X 1000 the taxes you pay to the Foundation by indicating the Fiscal Code of the Foundation in the tax declaration form. The Foundation is registered with the Italian RUNTS and has access to 5 x 1000 devolution of personal taxes. In the appropriate space for the 5 x 1000 devolution, you have to indicate your support for Fondazione Alma Dal Co ETS by entering its Fiscal Code: 94105370277. This devolution comes at no extra cost to you.