2023, Early Events

March 20th, Alma Memorial Concert

The Concert took place on March 20th, 2023 and it served as a memorial moment, made possible by the generous commitment of Alma’s friends, teachers, and fellow musicians.

The Maestro Roberto Gottipavero, Director of the Benedetto Marcello Conservatory, where Alma received her piano degree, immediately extended support to the event, ensuring its success with an efficient staff. A special contribution was made by the artistic direction of Diana D’Alessio.

Diana, Alma’s piano teacher from childhood and the founder/director of the Látomás Choir, of which Alma was a singer, played a crucial role. Despite the distance, Alma used to travel from faraway places to join the Choir and perform together with the group of friends.
Cristiano Nalesso provided the Kondivision platform for live streaming and online access for podcast.


Programma di Sala

December 2nd, Premio Alma Dal Co 2023, and the Winners Concert

On Saturday, December 2nd, 2023, the President Fabio Moretti and the Director Roberto Gottipavero honored the first five outstanding students of the Venice Conservatory, who were recipients of the Alma Dal Co award.

The winners of the 2023 edition are:
Scuola di Canto: Sara Fanin and Kelly Rampazzo
Scuola di Maestro Collaboratore: Margherita Boatin and Michelangelo D’Adamo
Scuola di Direzione di Coro e Composizione Corale: Carolyne Voyat.

Professor Andrea Rinaldo, a member of the Board of Directors of the Alma Dal Co Foundation, presented the Foundation’s goals to the public. Following the awards ceremony, a Concert was performed by the winners and by two selected piano students.

The event received support from Allianz Bank Financial Advisors.


Programma di Sala

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