2023 The Launch of the Foundation 

November 15 th, Memorial Symposium, UNIL/DBC Lausanne

Professor Nicolas Salamin, Director of the Department of Computational Biology at UNIL

The Symposium commemorated Alma Dal Co, who was a professor at the Department of Computational Biology (DBC) of UNIL. During the morning session the speakers, her supervisors and mentors, talked about the study and research of Alma, before she joined the DBC, and in the afternoon session, the speakers and the Dalcolab members discussed Alma’s research and impact as a DBC professor and mentor


November, from 15 to 17, Research Retreat at Puidoux

Retreat Participants at Poidoux (Lausanne)

From November 15 to 17, the Alma Dal Co Memorial Workshop took place in Puidoux, (Lausanne). The goal of the workshop was two-fold: first, to commemorate Alma’s life and work together with others who worked closely with her. Second, to maintain, grow, and strengthen the network that Alma had created during her short but intense career in science. In honor of Alma’s spirit, the aim of the workshop was to break down barriers between countries, disciplines, and career stages.

During two intense days, 35 scientists from around the world, from PhD candidates to established Professors, and from a wide array of different scientific disciplines, discussed science, defined common interests, and developed ideas for new collaborative and interdisciplinary projects.

Picture can be found here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/95xSX3pBxnkUgBHc9

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