Fondazione Alma Dal Co ETS

The Foundation’s mission is to preserve the intellectual legacy of Alma Dal Co in Science and Music.

We support early career scientists who pursue ground breaking research, have a passion for knowledge and are ready to develop multidisciplinary approaches to study complex biological systems.

We reward excellent young musicians.

The Foundation promotes inclusion and diversity in Science and Music.

Next Foundation’s activities

Alma Dal Co School on Collective Behaviour

Venice, September 29 – October 4, 2025

The Alma Dal Co School will focus on collective behaviour across biological systems, from cells to communities, and will use a highly interactive format to foster knowledge exchange between disciplines and career stages. Early career scientists, from PHD student to starting group leaders, are welcomed participants.


International Computational Biology Symposium 

Lausanne, September 18th-19th, 2025

Sponsored by Computational Biology Department in Lausanne, the Symposium is curated by prof. Giovanni Ciriello and prof. Zoltan Kutalik

Fondazione Alma Dal Co ETS, presentazione in italiano

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